We are working on the new version of the closed alpha. We’ll start testing in the next few months.
If you would like to take part in the next sandbox phase please fill the form.
If you are not interested in testing, but want to hear once the open beta is open to the public, you can do that too.
If you are a journalist, blogger, or streamer and want to contact us, please do so via email or twitter.
Core Mechanics
Seamless procedurally generated open world without instancing on highly scalable server infrastructure.
2D action combat with high complexity and a flat power curve to enable large scale faction battles.
Social economy, strategy, survival and progression, aiming to create dynamic stories between players by fostering cooperation and competition.
AI driven offline play combines asynchronous with action mmo-mechanics to add a management layer, minimizing grind and creating a living world to explore.
Epic emergent narrative driven by influential players, changing world, politics and gameplay for everyone.
About the Game
Blossom & Decay is a full loot, sandbox MMO ARPG for web browsers and mobile platforms.
Instead of scripted quest-lines in the game, players fashion their own narratives through a wide set of social mechanics and external PvE pressure. The world is constantly shaped by its citizens. Shops and quest billboards are provided by fellow players, not NPCs. Everything is created and arranged by the players wherever they choose, from buildings and cities to respawn-points, quests, goods, trade and the laws of the land. Players will toil to imprint their history in this virgin world.
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Active gameplay (online)
When online, the game plays like a Sandbox-MMORPG, it makes for hours long play-sessions when actively participating in large scale wars, resource gathering, traveling and exploring, as well as when starting as a new player and building new bases.
Async Management (online and offline)
Task management, social interaction and clan coordination can all be done while not logged in the game and managed asynchronously from the phone. This provides for short gameplay sessions, multiple times a day. Notifications about game-events create triggers to come back online.
Offline gameplay
Players don't de-spawn when going offline, instead the Offline-AI (OPC) scheduling executes whatever players have added to their task list. The AI can tend crops, craft items, sell goods, do guard duty or add to their clan’s available labour pool. Players can also stay online and idle while their AI works.
Gameplay Progression

Players progress economically by crafting or purchasing better gear and workshops.
They can earn their advancement by mining or gathering resources, crafting and selling, smart trading or doing contracts for other players – like guarding, transporting, scouting or fighting.
In the mid-game, players have to build up strong social ties, because they have to rely on a group to progress. They can establish a reputation for themselves and build up a valuable network of contacts.
Players can also progress by taking over a management role in their clan, obtaining knowledge others do not have or become more proficient with the game’s systems and mechanics.
The endgame happens largely between clans. Players can grow their clan’s power and influence by recruiting more players as members or taxpayers and by obtaining more territory and resources.
Clans can also choose to fill out other roles, like being mercenaries, thieves, trade guilds, banks or spy networks.
How much does it cost to play the game ?
The game can be tested for free and will have a monthly subscription based on in-game currency. Paying accounts enable advanced crafting and advanced community management (clans, guilds, shops, city counsels, etc). The monthly subscription will be around 10€ (we don’t know the exact amount yet, but we’ll come to a result with help from our community as we move forward). We dislike pay-to-win, as well as cash grabs and won’t exploit whales.
Are there races and classes in the game ?
Every player can develop in any direction. All skills are item-based, players can change their "class" by changing gear. To start there will be only humans. Gear combinations will yield different abilities and situational play-styles.
How is this game different from other MMOs ?
There are several aspects, there is no short answer, beside Offline gameplay and the customizable Law System these two might be the main differences from common MMORPGs: In B&D players will have a ginormous map to traverse seamlessly – without loading screens – and everyone will play on one server. Teleporting won’t be an option so distance will play a role.
PVP can be done everywhere with as many players as factions manage to assemble… but despair not, the game's mechanics will give players advantages to defend themselves from griefing and invasions.What happens when I go offline ?
Players don't de-spawn when going offline, instead the Offline-AI (OPC) scheduling executes whatever players have aped to their task list. The AI can tend crops, craft items, sell goods, do guard duty or ap to their clan’s available labour pool. Players will be able to check their task’s progress and receive real-time notification through the mobile app.
What happens when my character is killed ?
It depends, if you died within close-range of your respawner, you’ll respawn with everything you have in your inventory. If you die within mid-range of your respawner, you’ll respawn only with what you are wearing, everything else in your inventory drops. If you die within the distant-range of your respawner, you’ll respawn but everything in your inventory will drop. If your die outside respawner range and/or you don’t have enough respawn gems, you’ll be shipped to the start spawn point.
How many users can play on one server ?
We expect around 15-20k players per region. Players can choose in which region they want to start and once there they will be able to travel to other regions but the journey across won't be easy or short.
Where can I play ?
We are currently developing the game to run in web browsers, so currently you can play on any computer, tablet, or phone. Next step will be to build native clients for tablets and phones (iOS & Android) then will evaluate porting to consoles (Switch, PSP).
What is the development state of the game ?
Since late 2015 we’ve developed and tested B&D with 3 demos (~8.5k players and 2678h of playtime). In 2020 we reengineered the game with a multi-server technology, optimized the server/client protocols and reimplemented the gamemeplay from the demos. Now we have polished the early-game, and are working on the mid game. Once quality and stability is assured we’ll proceed with the first stage of testing.
Will there be any wipes during the closed alpha/open beta ?
Most likely during the closed alpha. At the beginning we won’t allow large numbers of testers/players to play, because we need to observe closely performance and stability. Nonetheless if we have to wipe the world, everyone’s possessions will be replaced, so people don’t have to start from scratch.
When will the game officially launch ?
We won’t have an “official" launch. After we have finished the closed alpha, we’ll start with the open beta and sequentially we’ll allow more players to join the fray. Every time we allow new players we’ll announce it on twitter and send emails. So let us know if you want to be notified.
Will we be able to host our own private servers ?
Currently private servers are not in the picture, but after we launch the game we'll look into that option.
Main Features
Procedurally generated world to explore and settle
Hand-eye coordination and good reflexes rather than xp progression.
Player-driven stories and events
Build, defend and craft while you are offline
No NPC traders, players create supply and demand.
Battles with hundreds of players, no instances.
Contracts and player-justice regulate social life
Gamepad, mouse, touch-screen
Press Articles

About the Project
Since late 2015 we’ve developed and tested B&D with 3 demos until 2019 (~8.5k players and 2678h of playtime). In 2020 we reengineered the game with a multi-server technology, optimized the server/client protocols and reimplemented the game. In 2018 Blossom & Decay was shortlisted and featured at SquareEnix Collective and in 2020 the project received the De-Minimis videogame grant from the federal German government.
Now we have polished the early-game, and are working on the mid game. Once quality and stability are assured we’ll proceed with the first stage of testing.
We are currently developing the game to run in web browsers. Next step will be to build the mobile client (iOS & Android). Afterwards we will evaluate porting to consoles (Switch, PSP).
We aim for a Kickstarter campaign before release, so if you are interested we would be thankful if you share this project and/or follow us on twitter, your feedback is appreciated.
If you are interested in a press-kit please send us an email.